Sunday, November 07, 2004

Ralph Reed Republicans

Thinking a little more on language (see two posts down) and after reading a post by Tom Schaller over on Kos,, I move that we start calling all Republicans, "Ralph Reed Republicans."

Reed, you see, wanted to not merely deliver the social conservatives' "values" votes this year, but to ensure that their pivotal role be made noted and respected -- broadcast and trumpeted, loudly and quite publicly. They didn't want to just win; they want credit and plaudits for scoring the decisive touchdown.

Awesome. The fact that this election - the first post-9/11 election, with a war in Iraq abroad and a changing economic situation at home - will be remembered by the we-need-it-simplified media as the "values" election, is Reed's great gift to us.

Why? Because I suspect that right now that the Wall Street wing, and the small business wing, and the defense industry wing, and the tax reform wings of the party are shuddering at the thought that Americans are being told that Bush got to 51 percent based on "values" voting. Would not the better "take-away" storyline from this election be that Bush won because the nation believes in Republicans' fiscal and defense policies, their steadfastness and leadership abilities? I'm meeting a lot Republicans (both conservatives and moderates) who do not want this election to be framed as the Ralph Reed Rout.

Tom makes a pretty good point; there are probably a group of Republicans who don't want to be associated with this guy or what he symbolizes.

I sure don’t want to be called a “Strom Thurmond Democrat.” Hell, for that matter, I wouldn't want to be known as a “Zell Miller Democrat." Oh wait, that’s pretty much the same thing.

Let’s confront these Republicans who don’t agree with their party’s aggressive turn toward religious fundamentalism by forcing them into being associated with it.

They are reaping the benefits, they are riding the movements coattails while the rest of the country slides back into a repressive, close-minded mindset. Time to own up or shut up.

The Republicans made their bed, now let’s make them sleep in it, and with all the skanky whores they brought with them.

And as a bonus, while it might upset some Republicans (great!), it will probably work much better illuminating to undecideds exactly what/who the Republican Party represents.

So there you have it, they are all, now and forever, Ralph Reed Republicans.


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