Sunday, November 07, 2004

Commentary on Harry Reid for Senate Minority Leader

Daniel Kreiss, over at Exegesis has a great post looking at Harry Reid's record. If you want to know a little about Reid, I suggest you go take a look:

Dan is pretty pissed about Reid’s awful voting record (you should really take a look - Dan's right). Below I’ve re-posted the comment I left on Dan’s site.

---------------- Re-posted ----------------
For a moment disregard all his past votes; hell, forget the man all together.

From a strategic point of view, why would you choose a Senator from a heavily Republican state? Do we want to be the first and second party to lose a Senate leader in the last 50 years!

In 1998, Daschle won by 62%. In 2004, Reid only won by 61%. Sure Nevada's a little more Democartic than South Dakota, but it ain't safe.

How is he going to lead a fight, let alone run the filibuster necessary when Bush puts up a fundamentalist, born-again for the Supreme Court? How can he be a strong leader when he has to constantly worry about being taken out in 2010? Even a Senator with six years is always running for reelection.

We need a fucking firebrand. Someone with the courage to point out the emperor has no clothes. Someone who will raise the roof, who will call the President a liar and shove the Republican’s hypocrisy back in their faces. And a Senator who will win, not lose, votes for acting this way.

A lot of people talk about Daschle not being a wartime consigliore. I don’t think Reid is in a position to be one either.


At November 8, 2004 at 7:25 AM, Blogger dkreiss said...

Welcome to the club brother.


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