Monday, November 08, 2004

Onward Christian Soldiers...

Interesting story in The Washington Post on how the Christian right mobilized to GOTV for Bush Cheney.

They are definitely looking for a lot of credit for GWB's win last week. Like I said here , lets give them their due.

The article says:

The rallying cry for many social conservatives was opposition to same-sex marriage. But concern about the Supreme Court, abortion, school prayer and pornography also motivated these "values voters." Same-sex marriage, said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, was "the hood ornament on the family values wagon that carried the president to a second term."

OK, can you holier than thou motherf*ckers stop using same sex marriage as a scare tactic. I mean Jesus, this is a non-issue, how does someone else's marriage affect yours? (Note: when I said Jesus just before, I was not talking directly to him. I was committing blasphemy to make a point.)

Look, if you think God is against gay people marrying, wouldn't your specific god be against any marriage done outside your church? Shouldn't ya stop all those too?

I know it's been said before, but if you want to defend marriage, go make divorce illegal. Let's see how many people across the country back that one. Let's see what happens when you are not demonizing and taking away the rights of a minority.

Bunch of cowards. WWJD my ass.

Looks like these religious zealots have called for a sacrifice, Arlen Specter. Checkout Josh, over at TalkingPointsMemo, and Atrios.


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