Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Ding-Dong the witch is dead

1 down, a bunch more to go.

My joy at Ashcroft’s leaving is severely curtailed by two outstanding issues.

1. Just think of how nice it would have been to watch them all go.

2. Who the hell is Bush going to replace him with?

Working off of issue number 2, I've had one friend say, "dunno, but he was so fucking bad, it may not matter."

Now, considering this is a man who lost an election to a dead guy, she might be right; but come on, this is the Bush administration we're talking about.

So who is going to be the next AG? I wouldn't mind Giuliani. Ok, let me rephrase that. In all my nightmare scenarios Giuliani is the least horrifying. At least he's pro-choice.

In truth though, I don't think it’s going to be him. Homeland Security seems like a much better fit. Not that he has any real background to qualify him for the post, but neither does Tom Ridge. (Except that he was Governor of Pennsylvania, and he did as good a job in bring in Pennsylvannia for Bush as he has done as the head of Homeland Security.)

No, Homeland Security is just a better fit for the whole "Hero of September 11th" story line, which I feel the Republican king makers can't wait to use in a 2008 Presidential run.

Hey, at this point, if all Giuliani did was change the name of the Homeland Security Department, I'd vote for him in 2008. Just hearing that name makes me think of people goose-stepping through the Rose Garden.



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